Friday 13 December 2013

Music Production

Here you can see screen grabs i have taken from various elements of one of the Logic Pro 9 files that I am working on for our trailer. The top image depicts an overall view of the project, showing the different tracks, each one colour coded for efficiency. The second image shows the volume automation for each track, although it is also within Logic Pro 9's capacity to automate filters, various modulators, pitch and pretty much any element of a plug-in that is allowed, coming in extreme handy when attempting to build to a crescendo in a song or to build on the depth of the soundscape you are creating, bringing in and out elements seamlessly. The next three images show plug-ins. The first being the drum synth Ultrabeat, which is designed to mimic any classic drum machine but allowing one to manipulate their individual drum sounds and beat all the more. The second plug-in is Space Design, which can be used to create a gamut of reverb patches and effects mimicking many different space's. The third plus-in is the sampler EXS24 which holds a wealth of synths and samples that you can manipulate to extreme extents. This screen grab alone displays just how much you can do with your sound, with a multitude of knobs and faders allowing you to change anything you want, depending on how familiar you are with the programme.

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