Friday 13 December 2013

Graphics Influences

'The Act of Killing' has preferably simple and clean font, that was reported to be visually striking by our focus group. The equal spacing between the letters makes the title command the width of the screen and gives it a strong impact. As opposed to something more directional and perhaps artistic, I feel that documentaries benefit from having less flamboyant font because they are focused on telling a real life, investigative and analytical piece, and the graphics should reflect this.

Further inspiration comes from Scandinavian brand
Which has a 'no-frills', simple but effective font, emphasizing the point I made earlier. 
In terms of real examples, 2007 'Control' has similar themes of intertwining struggle and success, as well as being similar to a documentary because it is a biographical film, and its font reflects the style we would like. Furthermore, I like how the grey fade gives it a shadowy depth, that is similar to its neo-noir style. 

'Up in the Air' (2009)

In the example of the "Up in the Air" the fonts is leaning a bit too much towards a 'comic sans' direction that we don't want, but it has a clear spacing on different parts of the screen that highlight establishing shots of the background, which allude to the idea of the central themes being about flying, travel and restlessness. Ideas of restlessness will also play a part in our film, since the central characters are striving to make a transition from their current lives towards their sporting goals, and this suits the shifting structure of the credits and the dynamics against the background.


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