Wednesday 20 March 2013

The film industry in Britain, 2011.

Why do you think 3D takings when down when the number and variety of 3D films increased in 2011?

Despite the number of films being released in 3D increased in 2011 from the number in 2010, it is easy to claim that the immediate novelty found in 3D films had been somewhat lost by this point. This novelty is recognisable from the spikes in views of early 3D films such as 'Chicken Little' (2005) which held first place at the box office for its first two weeks. 
This downfall in views may also be attributed to the 3D films being released in 2011 themselves. Many smash hits were released in 2010, such as 'Toy Story 3', which grossed worldwide at $1, 063, 171, 911, earning more revenue than the previous two films combined.
Many of the films released in 3D were not necessarily produced in such a way to merit their conversion into 3D. This would give a lower resolution and a less 'clean' final product, in turn lowering admissions for said film.

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