Thursday 21 March 2013

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience of your film?

Originally I had envisaged a fairly relatable and accessible opening to my film. I had primarily targeted an audience of 17-20 year old males. This is only what i thought the main bulk of my audience would consist of, as i was aware that aspects of it would appeal to a much older audience also. In terms of certification, i deemed it a 15, after having reviewed the 'bbfc' website, which addressed the topics of nudity, violence and drug use which, although not appearing in my opening, would have been themes later in the film. The 'bbfc' website says of drug use that:

At 15 drug taking may be shown but the work as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse.' I felt that this statement encased my film and the boundaries it set did not constrict my creative interests. My opening really consists of very little 'innapropriate' content which the 'bbfc' might deem 'unsuitable' for those under the age of 15 years old. In giving my film this certification I felt that i would be able to make my film accessible to a larger audience than of course if it had been deemed an 18.
It can be said that my film would attract a fairly niche audience and would have a more distinctive following than films such as Skyfall (2012), although would not create a cult following as some superhero films might (The Avengers, 2012)
The results from a survey i distributed to the audience at a viewing of my film widely ratified my assumptions concerning my target audience. The majority of people who i asked we from the age of 16-18 and all said that they enjoyed the film and would like to have watched more. Very little difference can be seen between opinions of males and females in terms of my film, which was not unexpected.

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