Thursday 15 November 2012

What I Have Learnt So Far

What I Have Learnt So Far

I have learnt to use a wide range of equipment, including the recording cameras, the SLR's, the tripods, stands, dolly wheels, light pack with battery's and the mains lights (I am also aware of how to use gels on these mics for colour and tone), the microphones and audio recorders and boom mic's and what different effects these different pieces of equipment create.
I have learnt to effectively plan my shooting schedule, prepare and research IDent, graphics and titles. I am now fully aware of the requirements to be filled by the music I am writing and how to combine it with my footage.
I am competent in editing and I have learnt the appropriate jargon and vocabulary (straight cut, fade in, sound match etc.)
My comprehension work has taught me a lot about films and the film industry, such as marketing, promotion, economics and synergy.
I am able to deduct a lot from watching a section of film or television, such as what techniques in editing and shooting they have used and what effect or representation of a character they are attempting to convey. I am able to identify stereotypes and archetypes within footage.

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