Tuesday 13 November 2012


Style and Tone

The style aimed at is one of sophistication and a level of maturity and insight into and above the menial tasks of everyday life. Soft focus shots of colourful lights and a lot going on in the shot. A sense of euphoria and comfort, almost of intoxication with clear focalisation on the important elements of the scene. Reflection of image or light is a bonus. Distortion of light or illusions are good. A soft warm blur is what I would describe as something I aspire to produce as a backdrop for my scenes. Almost a resemblance of 'Starry Night' by Van Gogh.


I would like my protagonist to appear detatched yet very aware of the world around him. They believe they are 'above it all' yet are distraught with the banality of their lives. A loner character who is clearly far more preoccupied with something far more importance than what is going on around them. They are to act with a deserved sense of arrogance, intelligence, maturity, awareness, virility, 'style and nihilism/cynicism.


Plain, black and white. Perhaps floating or on a black drop. Nothing too 'fancy', fairly stark and straightforward approach which allows a nice segue into whatever shot I have, maybe with a visual match. I definitely want to start with a sound bridge. Reminiscent of 'Psycho' opening: 


Probably tense, although an almost ironically relaxed song with a sinister tone could fit well. As my images develop I will be able to grasp an idea of sound easier.

Locations used:

My Living Room (21 College Road)
Camberwell Grove
Aldeburgh Yacht Club

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