Tuesday 6 November 2012

Narrative (ROUGH)

Through the use of suggestive shots, a man will be presented as being depressed and disillusioned by the banality of his life. He will be seen for roughly three quarters of the film doing nothing, simply moping around his beautiful house. He will then get dressed in a suit, go outside (Camberwell Grove) and look in the boot of his car, where a gun and large bag will be shot. He will then do a knuckle of a non-descript powder. Pace of shots will be getting faster now, tension building. He will get in the car and drive away. He drives to a boat yard (Aldeburgh Yacht Club) where he will casually light a cigarette whilst dragging this large bag to a pier. He will prop the bag up against a pole, sit down next to it and finish his cigarette, whilst speaking to the bag. He then shoves the bag into the river and walks away. (The bag is containing a body)
All the while a narrative will be spoken over the picture. The character will never actually be seen speaking.

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