Tuesday 26 November 2013


Chris - Tom Hemington

Tom has a kind face, making him approachable, but is still stocky enough so that he can appear intimidating. He has a soothing voice and calming demeanour and is able to carry himself with the same self assurance that we wanted to convey with Chris. Tom is also effective aqt conveying a sense of total contral over his peers, a quality that is perfectly auited to the character of Chris. Toms accent will not need to be too heavily altered either as his voice will be tampered with in post production.

Robbo - James Wilson

James is very good at creating an intimidating and somehwat volatile seeming character through his use of posture and gait. He will be able to use his voice in such a way as to give Robbo's text a sense of being ominous. He is not extremely tall or well built but this is suited to our needs as we wanted Robbo to appear more scrappy and sneaky than over bearing and imposing. Obviously his presence on screen will be unnerving to the audience but this will be acheived through a demeanour of surliness. James will not have to worry too much abouthis appearance as the costume provided will help him to build his character more easily, giving him an idea of where to build from.

Carl - Ranya El Refaey

Ranya is extremely kind and warm hearted and brings a sense of calm to any situation. This air that she carries with her is perfectly suited to the characer of Carl, who acts as a mediator between Robbo and Chris. She has a soft and soothing voice and a kind face which makes her approachable and likeable. She also has a lovely smile which would warm the heart of any hardened veteran of the streets. Carl went to school with Chris and Robbo and so refers to them and acts around them with a sense of calm and control that is not acheived by any other character in the film. As well as all of this, Ranya is arabic, helping to bring some much needed diversity to the cast.

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